Most Recent Additions*
Climate Change Demands Free Markets
Glen Lyons
A New Value Investment Formula for Turing Complete Blockchains with Proof of Stake Algorithm
Francesco Spinoglio
Navigating Past the Tragedy of the Commons
Maximilian Theriot and Walter E. Block
Concentrated liquidity in Uniswap V3: A new strategy to optimize the capital bear market
Francesco Spinoglio
Profits & Pandemics: Shutting Down Businesses During COVID-19
David R. Iglesias and Walter E. Block
Striving Toward Bitcoin Price Stability: Second-layer Money and the Case for Real Bills, Scrip & Notes
Eduardo Blasco and Carlos García de Enterría
Virtual Currencies and Intrapreneurial Coordination
Martin Sibileau
Central Bank Digital Currency Is Good As Long As All Stakeholders Are Involved
Manoel F. A. Gadi Mr and Miguel Angel Sicilia
Decentralized Finance Oracles
Lucia Suarez Barcia
Monetary Policy and Stagflation: A trade-off between price stability and economic growth?
Leef H. Dierks
Regulating Bitcoin - On What Grounds?
William J. Luther
Cryptocurrency, Decentralized Finance, and the Evolution of Money: A Transaction Costs Approach
James L. Caton Jr and Cameron Harwick
The Curse of Central Bank Digital Cash
Fernando Ulrich and Leonidas Zelmanovitz
Redefining Banking Through Defi: a New Proposal for Free Banking Based on Blockchain Technology and DeFi 2.0 Model
Francesco Spinoglio
Estimating the Impact of the Covid-19 Emergency on Tax Revenues in Guatemala: A Time Series Approach
Emotional Finance: The Impact of Emotions on Investment Decisions
Leef H. Dierks and Sonja Tiggelbeck
*Updated as of 03/28/25.