Content Posted in 2022
Cryptocurrency, Decentralized Finance, and the Evolution of Money: A Transaction Costs Approach, James L. Caton Jr and Cameron Harwick
Emotional Finance: The Impact of Emotions on Investment Decisions, Leef H. Dierks and Sonja Tiggelbeck
Estimating the Impact of the Covid-19 Emergency on Tax Revenues in Guatemala: A Time Series Approach, JULIO H. COLE
Increasing Taxes or Spending Cuts: What Is More Effective for Fiscal Consolidation?, Daniel Lacalle
Redefining Banking Through Defi: a New Proposal for Free Banking Based on Blockchain Technology and DeFi 2.0 Model, Francesco Spinoglio
Regulating Bitcoin - On What Grounds?, William J. Luther
The Curse of Central Bank Digital Cash, Fernando Ulrich and Leonidas Zelmanovitz
What is New in Value Investing? A Systematic Literature Review, Florencia Roca